Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mason playing

climbing on his new swing set
taking his car for a drive

vroom vroom

I think it's funny when he wants to turn the car around he picks it up instead of just pushing it around.

more Lily

I love her chubby arms

and squishy face

a sad story

remember my favorite tomato...

this is it now...

Mason found a new "ball" :(

Infact I have to watch him closely now because he has picked lots of "balls" when I am not looking. argh. At this rate I won't have to worry about having too many tomatos!

grandpa visit

Lily loved to snuggle with grandpa... he did a great job getting her to sleep

she was awake sometimes...

then she would sleep again!

grandpa and his first 2 grandkids


While my dad was here he noticed that our deck needed some serious attention... what he didn't realize was how long it would take. He and Danny worked really hard to get it sanded and oiled up in between rainstorms... now it looks spectacular! I need to get a picture of the finished project.

Danny sanding, Dad staining

Sunday, July 26, 2009

grandpa is leaving...

Grandpa came to visit and is leaving tomorrow... Lily and Mason are very sad.

This picture is amazing and makes me laugh so hard!!!

she is so angry she is flipping us off

Don't worry we had tons of fun with grandpa while he was here. I will post pictures soon of him snuggling with my babies and working hard fixing up our house!

Friday, July 24, 2009

garden update

Here is the out of control garden... the giantness to the left is the zucchini and is taking over the garden. Danny built a "box" around it to keep it off the other plants but it just keeps getting bigger, haha. Everything seems to be growing fine except my basil and watermelon.

Here are the pots of tomatoes, some of them are flourishing and others are working hard just to make 1 tomato, it is pretty funny.

This one is my favorite

Here is the first zucchini that we picked... we can almost pick a new one everyday!

These are the "green bell peppers" I thought I planted... oops! I thought they were Jalapenos but it turns out they are Cabanero (spelling... I googled it and can't find the right spelling) pepper which are much hotter than Jalapenos. If you live in NY and like hot peppers let me know and you can have them!

The first cucumber... isn't it cute?

And we have already picked tons of green beans!

Oh and tonight we had this really yummy soup that used zucchini and it was super yummy and fast! Though I used store bought chicken stalk and didn't use the fresh parsley because I didn't have any.

1 month

Chubby legs
And arms...

My baby girl is 1 month old (on July 22)

1 month stats :

weight : 12 lbs 10 oz (105%!) the doc said she is the average size of a 4 month old
height: 22 inches 90%
head circumference: 15 inches 75 %

* she is a rather good sleeper at night giving me at least one 4-6 hour stretch
* during the day she fights sleeping and wants to be rocked/held for like an hour... which is not possible when taking care of a 21 month old, so we are letting her cry to sleep and it is working about 50% of the time. It is kind of exhausting but we will keep working at it and I am just grateful that she sleeps at night
*she does not like her swing... seriously what baby doesn't like a swing! argh
*she gave me her first smile at around 3 weeks... and we randomly get (real) smiles every now and again

That's about all my squishy baby does so far! We love her very much :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

my babies

This is as close as I have been able to get a picture of my two kiddos...

and Mason just liked to drive his trucks on her :)

neighborhood party

Our neighborhood has an annual block party with lots of fun things to do. This is the first year we have been in town to go.

There was a large bouncy bounce which Mason loved!!!

They had pony rides which Mason did not love, haha

This is the petting zoo, Mason loved the "baa's"

And he got to hold a bunny :)

swing set

Grandma MacArthur got Mason and Lily this swing set... Danny just had to put it together. Here are some pictures of the assembly. A special thanks to our friend Jeff who came over for many hours to help :)

Mason kept saying "my slide"

Day 1 ... Danny is confused ;)

Day 2

Day 3 Danny did a few finishing touches ( there are some canopy's on top which I haven't got a pictures with yet)

Mason trying out his new slide

Friday, July 10, 2009

I went on a blogging rampage since I was awake and had computer time... so make sure you keep scrolling down and enjoy the pictures for a while because my mommy is leaving soon and I don't know when I am going to be able to blog again... :) oh and if you didn't already check out Jessica Washburn Photography Blog and see the newborn pictures we got for Lily!

her hair is getting redder!

When its not raining we have been enjoying outside :) Lily's hair is looking redder everyday especially when we are outside!

I love her rolls and she has a mullet just like Mason did!

and her chins...

squishy face :)

playing in the rain

I love playing in the rain, especially when it is pouring buckets. I thought since we have been having crazy weather here in NY with lots of warm rain I would take Mason outside and see if he liked it. He wasn't too sure about it at first but then he got so excited to run through all the puddles. At one point it was raining so hard he couldn't even look up at me, haha! Now every time it rains he runs to the window and says "outside play rain"

grandma visit

Grandma is here and we love it! She leaves Monday but I think I might hold her hostage because I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves.

I think Ralph might jump in her suit case and go with her since she actually pays attention to him