Sunday, March 30, 2014

Warm day and puddles

We had one day break from our freezing cold winter.  Really I haven't minded having a real winter after a nice 3 year break, but this March has been killer cold and I am done.  So the first day the sun was out and it was 50 degrees I made the kids go outside.  Of course it was full of puddles that is what happens when you have 5 foot mounds of snow around the driveway ;)  The kids were soaked by the end of the walk but they ran and jumped in the puddle the whole time.  I think it was about 3/4 of a mile.  Oliver was the best trying to keep up in his princess boots!!!  I love the kids, and I am glad we at least got one day, the next day we had an ice storm and the world was covered in ice again!

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