Friday, February 22, 2008

4 months (a few days late)

You turned 4 months old on February 19, here are a few things that you did this month:

*You are a happy happy baby, you laugh and smile all the time

*You have discovered your toys, you love to hold and shake them, and of course bring them to your mouth! It is really funny to watch you suck on the ball with all the holes (see video below) and you suck on the beak of your penguin stuffed animal :)

* You have a funny shaped head because you always look to the right when you sleep, so your head is flat on that side. It looks especially lovely with the bald spot in hair that has rubbed off... not to worry though because you are still the cutest baby ever!!!!!!!

* Your red hair is growing in more and more everyday

* You have officially doubled your weight... you are almost 18 lbs and almost 27 inches long!

* When I come to get you in the morning from your crib, most days you have rotated a full 90 degrees from all your wiggling through the night

* You like to stand on mom and dad's lap then sit, then stand... over and over, and you laugh the whole time. You also like it when we lift you over our heads (but it can be dangerous for us with all the drool dripping your mouth)

* Speaking of drool... you do it alot! I mean a lot, with an added bonus of spit bubbles. You also like to chew on your hands, so that adds to the mess

* You will rarely take a pacifier anymore, you prefer to suck on a finger, thumb or fist... it is different every time

* You are so big and your personality is showing more and more everyday... we love you sooooooo much!

1 comment:

Nate said...

This is amazing...I could just insert Bridget's name in the part you wrote about Mason having a funny-shaped head because she's the exact same way. It doesn't matter how often we straighten her head when she sleeps, she always turns it back to the right. And Mason is super cute and so smiley!