* she loves to smile and laugh, she especially loves it when you hold her and give her undivided attention :)
*she loves to watch Ralph play, and thinks it is funny when he jumps up to get a toy
*she can offically sit up on her own for 5-10 mins as long as she doesn't get distracted by her brother or Ralph off to the side
*she droooools like crazy and loves to be chewing on things.
*she will grab anything I am holding... phones, food etc
* she loves to play in her exersaucer
* she will walk a little bit if I hold her hands
*naps are a different story, lately I only get 40 min naps :(
* she doesn't like to be rocked to sleep, she wants to be in her bed with a binki
* she loves to take baths with Mason
* she loves to be naked and grab/eat her toes :)
Love you baby girl!
IT seems that all babies I have been hearing about lately either are really good nappers and don't sleep well at night or the other way around. she is so darn cute. What a doll!
What a cutie! She is beautiful like her Mama.
She's so cute! I wish my baby slept 8 to 10 hours at night and took 40 minute naps!!! :P
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