Saturday, February 27, 2010


Thoughts I want to remember:

Danny has been working crazy hours at work trying to get one of him machines working. Thursday night (Friday morning) He didn't come home until almost 4 am! Lily woke up screaming about 3:30 so I went in nursed her and for some reason she was WIDE awake so I was rocking her back to sleep. I was still rocking her when Danny got home. He came to check on the kids like the good dad he is, he saw me sitting in the rocking chair and shrugged his shoulders like "What are you doing?" He finally looked in the crib and realized I was holding Lily so he went to bed. A few minutes later I came back to bed and he told me that he thought I was trying to scare him because he got home so late! Ya Danny I am going to get my rear out of bed go sit in the baby's room, expecting you to come in and BOO scare you. I thought it was so funny, in fact I am laughing so hard right now it is hard to type. Funny what comes to mind when you are so tired!

Speaking of nursing Lily... I love it so much. I love when she is calm and snuggled looking at me for food and comfort. When she 2 months old to about 4 months we had a really hard time. She would scream and scream while nursing and she was about 1 day (1 hour?) away from being weaned. But after a few experiments I realized she had a hard time if I had caffeine or too much chocolate. Then it was all better and nursing has been fantastic since.

Lately when I pick Lily up off the floor she gives me the biggest hug. Full on bear hug, arms around my neck tight, face in my neck. It is so sweet and my heart melts every time. Sometimes followed by a slobbery wide open mouth kiss and if she is really hyper a bite!

Mason is so funny lately. He wants someones undivided attention at all times. He comes over to me, grabs my arm and face and says "mom comes seets (sit) on floor" and then we "play legos, build me a house" or "play with manimals and line them all up!"

"I am so happy mom" is a phrase I hear often and it makes me happy too. He also exclaims that other things are happy. "Ralph is happy mom" "Yilie (Lily) is happy" "This is a happy cup!"

I love my family!!!


Joni and John said...

I feel the same way you do about nursing, my baby will be one in a couple weeks and I am not sure I am ready to quit! It's too sweet. Also I wanted to tell you, you are an AMAZING photographer- I just checked your blog and all the pictures are beautiful. What kind of camera do you use?

April said...

Thanks Joni! I have a DSLR, Cannon Rebel XTI, and a couple fun lenses!

Kristi said...

Aw, this post makes me smile!