Friday, July 9, 2010

Huish visit part 3

After the park, getting rained on and nap time we came back to the Yeager's to have dinner all together one last time before the Huish's left the next morning.  We had fun playing outside on the beautiful evening.

Pre Lily walking, she figured out it felt better to crawl like this on cement and other really hard surfaces.

The boys really wanted to chase Danny again, but he distracted them by teaching them how to cart wheel
Then we played another game... Dog pile on Danny!


Abe joining the fun :)

Blurry but I love it, Noli hugging Abe

red light, green light

Lily loved to push this lion around so she could walk!

Attempt 1 (minus Mason because he was "busy")

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

More of Lily because I think she is too cute!

oops she found her pony tail!

Not quite sure when the shirts came off, haha

Love this one!  When we lived in the Bronx Daniel would always follow and do what Ammon did, now Mason follows and does what ever Daniel does! 

Oh Kaylie cracks me up!

Thanks so much for visiting Huish's!  I hope Ryan can come next time :)

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