Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mason's first sleep over!

Mason's favorite girl-friend is Clara.  They have so much fun together, in fact a little too much fun sometimes as you can see in these pictures.  Mason's room was clean... they did this in about 15 minutes!

This past weekend Clara got to come over and spend the night!  Mason and Lily were both excited, especially Mason who got to have a play date for over 24 hours!!!

Here are some of the girls playing dress up and dancing, so cute!

The Mason and Clara and Lily decided to help Danny when he was putting in the new faucet in the bathroom!

Loving Lily's "smile!"

Umm nice Lily, she ran over after making that face so she could see it in the camera... notice Mason's bum in the background, bum bokeh!

Clara and Mason were really trying hard to help, so cute!  They even went and got some play tools to work with.

Then it was time for bed, miss Clara slept on Mason's floor.  If you look close you can see Mason's toes sticking out the side of his bed.  Mason was so excited to have Clara there, he kept giving her books and stuffed animals to keep her company.  I had to come intercept a couple of times especially when the books stacked as high as his waist.

They both finally fell asleep around 9and slept great that night.  My favorite is when they both woke up the next morning around 7 and were SO EXCITED.  They were making me laugh so hard listening to them play downs stairs.  I am so happy that Mason has such a great friend that loves to play him :)

Ever since she slept over he decided that he is going to sleep on the floor too.  Too funny :)


Kristi said...

This is too cute! Don't you sleep with your feet out of the covers?

April said...

Haha Kristi I DO that is funny, I didn't even think about that :)

alm said...

These pictures make me wonder who had a better time! Clara had so much fun. We had so much fun. I REALLY appreciate it!

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