Thursday, February 17, 2011

Preschool U and V

Last week at preschool we did letters U and V.  Unfortunately I didn't get take any pictures on our V day, but I did get a bunch from U!  I had the kids bring an umbrella from home to share with everyone...

Kaylie didn't really want to play with the umbrella

It turned out to be a little chaotic with the umbrellas...

And it was a little tricky getting a picture with all of them and the umbrellas...

But I got one super quick!

Then it turned to this!  Oh boys...

We also did a bunch of experiments like dropping a balloon vs a ball.  Find out what things are magnetic.  Putting sugar in water and their favorite, finding out what things float!

Lily's wow face as she watches some food coloring in the water!

The next day for V we had a valentines day party.  Each child brought a valentines for everyone else.  We played musical hugs (when the music stops find someone and give them a hug) Valentines Bingo which was a hit with all the kids.  They didn't want to stop after someone got Bingo, and everyone got excited every.single.time they realized they had one of the pictures I pulled out.  "I have a heart, I have a dog, I have a..."  yes yes I know everyone has all of them :)  Then we had a snack of vegetables and finished by making valentines bags and having everyone pass out their valentines to each other!

1 comment:

alm said...

These pictures look so sunny and cheerful. I love that the kids have so much fun at your house! Clara loved playing "Mango"--it was the first thing she told me about on the way home!