Mason is going to be 8 months old tomorrow... and since I am flying to Utah tomorrow I thought I would post this today :)
*Mason will eat solid foods finally... he likes rice cereal (only mixed with breast milk) banana's are his favorite, sweet potatoes, puffs(little cereal pieces). He kinda likes sweet peas, carrots, pears and peaches. He also tried avocado but he didn't like that one bit.
*He got his other bottom tooth, and is currently cutting a tooth on the top (randomly not one of the middle ones) and the middle top 2 are super swollen and ready to break through.
*He can officially roll from his back to his tummy, and is now able to roll around the floor to get toys he wants.
*Speaking of toys he is obsessed with Ralph's toys for some reason.
*He can scoot around on his bum to get his toys... it is a slow process, but he can get around that way.He also will scoot backwards when he is lying on his back, by pushing his feet on the ground... and sometimes when he is on his tummy he goes backwards when he pushes with his arms (I think he is trying to go forward, kinda like a backwards army crawl).
*He is a big talker, and very loud... plus some giggles. His toys are greatly entertaining.
*He started to say mama... I hope it is spoken to me, not sure yet if it is just babble. He also says baba.
*Mason can will walk if you hold his hands while standing up, he really likes doing this and gets excited and starts jumping around.
*We went to the Bronx for a weekend and it was a little traumatic for him not being in his own bed... so after Danny and I couldn't get Mason to sleep, he ended up in bed with us, argh... hopefully it won't happen again (yikes I am nervous about going to Utah and Seattle tomorrow, oh well)
Wow, Mason has changed a lot this month, I felt that everyday he was doing something new. It is amazing how fast he learns, yay can't wait to see what he will do next month :)
Ohmygosh! Mason is so cute! I got your blog address from Kristie R, hope you don't mind I added a link to mine too. ;)
I'm glad he's enjoying solid foods more. And I can't believe he's signing already! I read somewhere that most babies don't pick up on signing until around 9 months, so he's definitely a smart little boy. See you soon!
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