Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mason 29 months

My dear Mason turned 29 months on March 19th!  Here are some funny things he has done/said this past month:

  • He calls things happy, like "this is my happy cup!"
  • "Mine" is what we here constantly, whether it is his or not
  • He has really been into building lego houses for his animals
  • Random things scare him lately like the "BOOM BOOM BOOM, Mr. Brown is a wonder..."  (Dr. Seuss book)
  • He likes to purposely call things by their wrong name
  • He is better about calling animals by their actually name and not their sounds, except for a horse which he calls a "yee haw."  He got "yee haw" because I told him to say that when he rides on his rocking horse :)
  • He figured out things that fly have wings, like airplanes and birds.
  • I bought him new crayons and he wouldn't put them with his other crayons, they had to stay in the box!
  • He is figuring out the difference between girls and boys (though he still doesn't know the biological reasons)  and some of his animals have "girlfriends"
  • One of my favorite things he does lately is "just one"  I want just one bite, okay I want one more bite... will you give daddy a hug bye bye, "no", will you give daddy ONE hug? "okay"   It works really well when we want him to do something or eat something.  I have no idea how it came about but it is super funny.
  • He likes to give daddy a toy to take to work with him
  • Sometimes he calls daddy (aka, "guy") Danny (which is says perfectly)  He also knows my name is April.
  • Calls puffs, "star fish"
  • sometimes he fake snores when he is "taking a nap"
  • Likes to pretend he is a doggy and brings me toys in his mouth and wants me to throw them and play fetch, he also likes to "run run run like a crazy doggy"
  • He likes to go outside and see if any of our plants are turning green (there isn't very many) but he gets excited and says "look at the new plants!"
  • When he says monkey it sounds like "book sie" haha

 Love you happy boy :)

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