Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lily's birth story

Note:  this is long so skip by if you would like.  My blog is my journal so I want to make sure Lily's birth is recorded!

I can't believe it has been 1 year since I had Lily and I never wrote down her birth story, so better late than never and before I forget important details.

Lily was born on her due date, June 22nd and I am not sure the exact statistics but I believe only 2% of babies are born on their due date.  That is pretty great right?  Well I felt like she was a week overdue because Mason came a week early.  It was a mean little mind game going on in my head (also a few weeks earlier my doctor was pretty sure I was going to have her early and I got my hopes up!)

I also thought it would be great if she came on June 19th.  My birthday is April 19th, Mason's birthday is October 19th so I thought it be great way to remember birthdays.  But our little miss didn't come that day.  The next day, Saturday June 20th, I was having small contractions here and there.  Nothing to get excited about because I remember what the real contractions felt like.  And I certainly didn't want to get sent home from the hospital like I did when I was in labor with Mason.  That evening I called my friend Anjanette, who was going to watch Mason while we were at the hospital, and told her I was having contractions on and off all day so be ready just in case.

Nope, she wasn't coming.  The contractions stopped I prepared my primary lesson for the next day and went to bed.  On Sunday June 21st I went to church and taught my class.  And when I look back on that day I can't believe I went to church. I felt HORRIBLE.  I was having contractions all during my lesson and I had to stop teaching a couple of times!  But they weren't regular, and like I said before I did not like being sent home when I was in labor with Mason.  I was so tired and basically felt like crap all day.  We came home I tried to take a nap but was so uncomfortable.  The contractions grew stronger and more regular and I thought HOORAY!  I called Anjanette to warn her.  Contractions 8 minutes apart and getting closer, be ready!

At 8:30pm or so My. Contractions. Stopped.  I was not happy, I felt defeated, hormonal, tired, mad and DONE.  Danny and I went to bed around 10:00pm.  Again no contractions for the last couple of hours, and I feel asleep so surely I was not in labor!

Then a really strong contraction woke me up, which was scary and cool.  Kinda like in the movies.  Then shortly after another really strong contraction and BAM!  my water broke.  I looked at the clock and it was 12:01 am.  Having my water break was a weird and cool sensation.  And it didn't even make a mess in my bed which is nice (unlike the way TV displays it!)  I was so excited that I jumped out of bed told Danny to get the bags together while I hurried and took a shower. 

The contractions were getting serious in the shower so I hurried and got out and ready.  We called my doctor who said to come quick because 1. things move faster when your water breaks (for most) 2. things move faster with your second (for most).  I called Anjanette and we were out the door by 1:00am.

At the hospital we got checked in and in our room quickly which was nice until the nurse sat and asked a bazillion questions.  I am not sure how long it took (at least a 1/2 hour or more), but I finally asked if she could check me because I wanted an epidural!  She did and I was at a 5, hooray!  I got the an IV and waited, painfully, for the anesthesiologist.  I don't remember too many details until finally at 3:00 the anesthesiologist came and I got the needle :)  I quickly felt better and was excited that I may get some sleep like I did when I was in labor with Mason.  The nurse left and I closed my eyes for 15 or 20 minutes. 

I woke up because I started feeling the contractions again!  WHAT!?!  I used my nurse button and asked if we could boost the epi because I was feeling lots (not all the way I am sure)  she told me that she was calling my doctor because she didn't trust me, haha.  I kept feeling the contractions, my nurse said it was because I was so progressing fast (side note, she did NOT check me before I got the epidural and I am glad because I think I may have been too far along!)

My OB got to the hospital fast and in 3 contractions Lily Mae Newman was born at 3:52 am!  All 9lbs 3.5 oz of her :)  In retrospect I am glad the epidural didn't work because I was able to feel through the contractions and after she was here I felt SO GOOD.  It was the strangest most wonderful feeling.  This feeling made me realize how crappy I had felt the last couple of days.  I didn't feel this way after having Mason, and I wonder if that is because of the epidural.

I remember Danny and I thinking there was no way he hair was red, but we were wrong.  She also looked so much like Mason that I said, hey I know you :) 

It was a wonderful experience and so much smoother than having Mason.  I think because I knew what to expect and my body knew what to do.  I also felt really great during postpartum (I had more after birth pains with Mason than Lily, weird!) and I didn't really have to use the drugs the OB gave me.

What a wonderful day that I will remember forever!  I love you baby girl :)


LAINA said...

I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing yours. My goal with my next one is to not get the epidural, I hear recovery is so much easier, just like you said.

Lily is such a beauty, just like her mama.

Kristi said...

I like this story, it makes me happy.