Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 18 (July 31) back to Bear Lake!

 Bear with me, there are lots of pictures!  Feel free to move on but this is for anyone who would like too see.  We went up to Bear Lake again, this time with out Danny, boo.  It was still tons of fun and the kids especially had fun at the beach!
* Mason loves pushing papa in the water

* Lily continues to love the sand, and doesn't mind the taste!

Yummy sand drool :)

Phoebe and Ella love the beach also!  Too bad Ralph couldn't come

Lily loves to park herself in water puddles and man made moats

Our boat

Raquel and I went on a little walk in the water to go see how many people there were on the other side of the marina. Of course there were tons of people there on Saturday, luckily we have access to a more private side of the beach, haha!

Awe Phoebe looks just like my Ralphy

Boat time= nap time for the kids :)

This day we had some beautiful clouds and blue sky and water to boot!

When I was growing up my grandpa had a sailboat which was so much fun, I love sailing :)

It is really interesting going up to bear lake with my kids.  Before all the grand babies came along we would go up and and spend hours on the boat, wake boarding, swimming, tubing, sunbathing.  This time around we never spent more than 45mins at a time and I quickly figured out it was better to leave the kids on the beach with someone because they really didn't like the boat much.  I think it was the life jackets and the bumps from the waves.  Both of them would almost instantly fall asleep, but when they woke up would be grumpy bums.

Because of this we spent a lot of time on the beach which was fun and different.  Luckily all the aunts and uncles weren't bugged by my children presence and had a good time with them on the beach, instead of the boat!   

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